Did We Learn Anything In 2024!?!
Another year is in the books, both figuratively in the poop-company universe and literally with our accountant (even though you are getting this in March).
Running a small business is an endless barrage of learning. Then, when we learn those things, everything changes again, and we have to learn some more. So, did we actually learn anything last year? Well, sort off...
We learned that....
If you build it, they will come, then poop in it, return it to you, and take 5-8 minutes to complete a detailed survey about pooping in it.
Clean 14 was a wild idea to prove that if you give people better tools to pack out their waste, they will use it. It worked with a big thanks to the partnership with Penn State University and Leave No Trace. You have no idea how often we say things like "you know what would be cool?" and then remember there are only 2 of us.
Clean 14 was one of those random thought bubbles that worked. It was expediting product development, stealing borrowing a bear proof trash can from the town of Crested Butte, and building a Pack Out disposal kiosk at the bottom of Colorado's tallest peak. It $%#@ing worked!
Ideas like Clean14 are going to become more important in 2025. One soundbite we are hearing from the USFS is “Without the manpower and budget for facilities, we might have to lock the bathrooms this year.” PACT will be ready and waiting for the poop signal.
We sleep wherever and whenever.
Is 40 the new 20!?
We are not a wipe company!... or are we?
One time, I (Noah), yelled at Jake that we are "not a wipe company". Probably not yelled but definitely a stern voice on PACT's product ethos. Well, guess what people love? PACT Wipes. You can now buy PACT Wipes in bulk, and we even rolled out a Body Wipe. Strong and Wrong!
Want to test them? Check out the section on Amazon below. Or get some here or here.
Officially known as "The Poop Guys"
At this year's Grand Traverse where we sponsored an aid station, a runner rushed up to our tent with a high level of urgency and said, "are you the poop guy?" Not all heroes wear capes.
Did you know that Amazon sells more than books?
We definitely knew that...and made a conscious decision to "build the brand" before putting our products on Amazon. But "I'll be damned," when you meet consumers on a platform where they already buy stuff, it sure helps sell stuff.
Want to help in a simple way? Please leave a review on any product. Reviews are the lifeblood of small independent businesses on Amazon. Let us know when you do, and we will make it worth your while. Seriously.
We are on TikTok!
Just kidding. We can't figure it out. Maybe in 2026.
The media loves talking about poop
This clip is approaching 1.5MM views! That's fun, just don't read the comments.... nope…you just did, didn't you!?
Also, if you would have told us that we would be in the Washington Post a few years ago we would not have believed you. This was probably on the Mount Rushmore of publications that we wanted to be in.
What's our wishlist for 2025? NY Times, NatGeo, Sports Illustrated for Kids.
It's a family-business, but it's still a business.
PACT's first employee left (in a personal growth way, not in a Yellowstone "train station" kind of way). It was a good reminder that families change, proverbial kids leave the house and the ultimate goal is to keep their future therapy bills down. We appreciate everyone who contributes to our little experiment, especially the ones who really believe. Thanks TW.
We are still alive
Every year is hard. Every year we grow. The poop game is not linear but we still here.
Clear eyes, full heart.