Introducing Our Disposable Pack Out Poop Kit!
As outdoor recreation continues to grow throughout the U.S., the effects with mis-handled human waste continue to rise.
Public land access restrictions, waterway contamination, and land management burdens are just a few of the impacts of waste that isn't buried or packed out properly.
We've focused our first couple years on creating of award-winning all-in-one bathroom kits designed for situations where burying your poop is approved practice.
We're excited to announce that we're launching a single-use Pack Out Kit, often referred to as a "WAG Bag" for environments where packing out your poop is required. The kit includes all the essentials: a durable outer bag for transporting everything safely; an inner bag that you poop in, a deodorizing and dehydrating “poop powder”, two PACT Wipes, and a hand wipe.
Why did we create this?Outdoor enthusiasts are increasingly needing an additional solution in their backcountry bathroom toolkit. Packing out is important in fragile ecosystems like arid deserts (e.g. Moab, UT), alpine environments (e.g. high mountain peaks), and in ultra-high use areas (e.g. Appalachian Trail) where the soil can’t keep up with the volume of users. The Pack Out Kit will make packing out poop easier and more convenient in these situations.
Human waste pack out bags have traditionally been the solution for situations where packing out your poop is necessary. Unfortunately, a lot of outdoor enthusiasts are either unfamiliar with this practice or unwilling to consider it. So, we wanted to make a disposable pack out kit that is more approachable to users, so we addressed some common psychological and functional barriers to use…and we made it fun.
Here's how we did it...The packaging is intentionally bright and vibrant to make the product more recognizable which we think will drive recognition and awareness that this type of solution exists. The outer bag is designed to be extremely durable to address concerns that many users have with leakage and smell.

The back of the packaging features a mock newspaper with a comic, and a poop bingo game, cause pooping in the outdoors can be fun! It also explains to users how packing out is good for public lands. Explaining the why, according to Leave No Trace research, helps to support adoption and compliance with these types of skills and practices.
The Clean 14In true PACT form, we’re not stopping here. In July, we launched a research project and pilot program called The Clean 14, an effort to study and ultimately design better waste management solutions on Colorado’s 14,000 foot peaks.

We partnered with The Colorado Fourteeners Initiative, Leave No Trace, and researchers from Penn State University's Recreation, Park and Tourism Management Department to study current attitudes and behaviors around packing out poop; what factors persuade hikers to pack out; and to test a first-of-its-kind pack out kit kiosk and disposal station. The Ultimate goal is to help land managers design and implement better systems for waste management in the backcountry.
We're excited to share more of the data around this work later this year. Stay tuned!
For more information on PACT, and to order your Pack Out Kit today, visit pactoutdoors.com.