Pack Out
Bathroom Kit
The most durable, easy-to-use
pack out poop kit ever!

Everything you need for easy pack out and disposal

Everything you
need for easy pack
out and disposal

When To Pack Out Poop
in the Backcountry

Alpine Environments

When local regulations mandate due to high use (check in advance)

Arid Deserts

When you can’t get 70 adult paces from waterways, trails or campsites
When To Pack Out Poop in the Backcountry

Alpine Environments

Arid Deserts

When local regulations mandate due to high use (check in advance)

When you can’t get 70 adult paces from waterways, trails or campsites
How packing
out preserves
our public lands

How packing out preserves
our public lands
Protects fragile
Prevents access
restrictions, keeping
public lands open
for everyone!
of waterways
Eases burden on
land managers
Working With Trail Stewards
To keep the backcountry clean.

PACT Wipes
are made of plant material and without chemicals that slow decomposition.

in 75 days
(third party tested)
Our Certifications
This product comes from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits.
This certification label identifies textiles, accessories and finished goods that protect people from over 1,000 harmful substances.


PACT Wipes
are made of plant material and without chemicals that slow decomposition.

in 75 days
(third party tested)
Our Certifications
This product comes from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits.
This certification label identifies textiles, accessories and finished goods that protect people from over 1,000 harmful substances.